Book cover
The RNIOA Book
Synopsis: The RNIOA commemorates the experiences of those who served in the Royal Navy's 'Schoolie' (Instructor Officer) Specialisation, disbanded in 1996. Authored by former Schoolies (RN, RAN, RNZN), the book illustrates the wide spectrum of work carried out within METOC, training, engineering and IT. Hard back, 228 pages, 165 glossy images.
Price: £20 + P&P. All profits from book sales are used for website operating costs and donations to charity. Published in 2020 by Pinewood Hill, ISBN: 978-0-9926788-8-3.
To purchase directly from the RNIOA using bank transfer or PayPal, please get in touch using the contact page. You can also purchase a copy of the book on Amazon UK (hardback), Amazon worldwide (Kindle version) and through all good bookshops. Current stock: 12.
The association’s silk, high quality tie has a single gold Naval Crown with “RNIOA” printed in gold beneath and situated below the knot as shown above. The tie’s colours are navy blue and light blue stripes (consistent with RN and Schoolmaster/Instructor Officer branches/specialisations).
Price: £25 plus £2.70 P&P (48-hr tracking). Due to our relatively small membership, we are unable to reduce costs by buying in bulk. We are also a non-profit association, so our ties are sold at cost price plus P&P.
To purchase directly from the RNIOA using bank transfer, cheque or PayPal, please get in touch using the contact page. The Editor will then contact you to arrange payment and delivery. Personal details such as address and BACS data will not be stored nor passed on, and no third parties will be utilised other than the Royal Mail. Current stock: 12.