
Story/Article/Comment Submission

If you would like to submit a story, article or article comment to the RNIOA, please use the contact form and we will reply by e-mail as soon as possible.

If you wish to submit an article, please keep it succinct, no more than 2 or 3 pages in length. It should relate to your career or the RNIO branch (past or contemporary perspectives).

If you wish to submit a comment for an article, please include the number of the article.

Articles and stories are edited in accordance with site policies. Comments are screened by us before being posted.

All images that have been submitted by contributors are assumed to be for display with the permission of the copyright holder.

The RNIOA will consider any copyright issues that are brought to our attention and take appropriate action if required.

Please Note

1. The RNIOA will not pass on any personal data to third parties, but please be aware that your submitted text will be visible to the public.
2. If appropriate, verification of RNIO service will be carried out using Navy List data.
3. By submitting your story or article, you agree to these conditions and give us the right to publish it on the RNIOA website.